If you treat your cavity as soon as you notice the first symptom, then there are three treatments that can help you eliminate the decay from your smile and restore your oral health. If you wait too long to get it treated, there is a chance the decay could spread and destroy your tooth, ruining any chances you had of saving it and resulting in tooth extraction.
The three treatments available for dental cavities include:
-Dental filling: A dental filling is a common dental treatment that is used to repair teeth after tooth decay attacked it. During this treatment, Dr. Crawford A. Tatum Jr. will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and will fill it with either an amalgam, composite, or gold filling. Your dentist might also use an inlay or onlay. The type of filling used will depend on the tooth’s visibility and prevalence in the smile.
-Pulp capping: Pulp capping is a rare treatment that is used when the decay penetrates the interior structures of the tooth and slightly infects the pulp and nerve. If the pulp and nerve can be saved, your dentist will remove the decay, put a cap over the pulp and nerve, and fill the tooth with a dental filling.
-Root canal: A root canal is needed when the decay penetrated the interior structures of the tooth and completely infected and destroyed the pulp and nerve. The treatment will involve your dentist removing the inner structures of the tooth, filling it with a special material, and then covering the tooth with a dental crown.
To learn more about tooth decay treatments in Opelika, Alabama, or to schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Crawford A. Tatum Jr., regarding a cavity in your smile, please call our office today at 334-745-6393. Our Tatum & Cox team is more than happy to help you restore your tooth and help your smile!